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Thankful Thursday.. Simple Sitting Lotus

Thankful Thursdays... For me I couldn't start my day without gratitude... I am truly thankful for my LoVing husband, my beautiful children and grandchildren, my family, friends, all my daily blessings... I Am Thankful for YOU!

Than you for following along with me, with these videos, with my thoughts. This month I have been re-sharing some of my older videos, in an effort to express my gratitude for being able to bring my LoVe of Yoga, through my Yoga with LoVe... I have chosen simple poses and meditations, specifically to share the idea that yoga is for everyone. Can be done anywhere, can be done for many reasons, all to help promote a better way of dealing with life.

The more you try, the better you do, the more you do, the better you feel, the better you feel, the more you try. It's a very beautiful cycle. Start anywhere ... any time... simply remember to move your body and ... as always .. breathe.

(THIS IS AN OLDER VIDEO - We are not going to be in LA this May 1st... or .... maybe we will) (lol)

Start with something simple like sitting lotus... Anywhere you can go. Simply start by bringing one foot into the middle - the center, heal in, toes pointing outward. Then truly the rest is up to you. You can stay right there, one foot in and one still out, until you are more comfortable. Or ideally you will begin by bringing your other foot on top of your thigh. You can stop right here if you'd like, in a "half lotus"... or keep going, by placing the first back up on top. Full Lotus... wherever you can go, whenever you can stay, just remember to breathe.. Sit and relax....

Do the best you can, as you can, take a little time to just sit still and relax into the pose, into your thoughts, into your body... always tying breath to body, heart and desire.

I am truly thankful for the LoVe I receive on a daily basis, go out there and have a beautiful day ... filled with gratitude!

From my heart to yours, as always, Namaste

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