Standing Saturday... Eagle... We ARE the Calm in the Storm...
Eagle" ... We ARE the Calm in the Storm, not only because we can be... But usually... Because we HAVE to Be... Relax, Breathe...BE .. the Calm in the Storm...
... today we are going to do a simple standing pose... as always do what you can do, please do not worry about what you cannot do. Grab a chair to hold on to if you need extra assistance with balance... be kind to yourself.. be the calm... When I made this video it was a crazy windy day, which reminded me of this pose. Eagle - the eagle is known for rising above a storm, finding a calm with the craziness of the storm.
Simply start by standing... bring your hands to your heart in prayer... then inhale your hands/arms up above your head. Take your left arm and gently place your left arm under your right arm, as the ultimate goal is to wrap your arms together enough to bring the palms of your hands together. Of course that is not always the case, please feel free to put your hands on your shoulders, use a strap, or a belt or ties to work your hands closer together, or as always, anywhere in that direction. Take yourself to the place that works for you within the guidelines of the pose...
Inhale your arms up high, then as you exhale, bring them close tight into your heart, your chest...
Bend your knees, just enough to wrap your left leg around your right. Again, anywhere you can go, if you need to drop your toe on the ground to maintain balance, or go fully into the pose by wrapping completely. You're looking past your hands .. your "Drishti gaze" Your shoulders are back and down and your breath is calm, this is "Eagle." We ARE the Calm within the storm....
Unwrap your legs unwrap your arms, inhale everything up... exhale everything out, with a deep sigh... then simply reverse it... Take your right arm and gently place your right arm under your left arm, to wrap your arms together enough to bring the palms of your hands together, or wherever works for you.
Inhale your arms up high, then as you exhale, bring them close tight into your heart, your chest...
Bend your knees, just enough to wrap your right leg around your left. Again, anywhere you can go, if you need to drop your toe on the ground to maintain balance, or go fully into the pose by wrapping completely. Always do what feels good, while trying to gain some benefit... That "Drishti gaze" is simply a blank stare past your hands, to find a calm focus, on a center in front of you.
Because we are the calm in the storm, not only because we Can Be, but usually its because we have to be. So always, remember to breathe, unwrap your arms, your legs, inhale up with a deep sign as you exhale your arms back to where you began hands heart center...
This is "Eagle" ... Knowing We ARE the Calm in every storm.... Practice on your own... stay in the pose for as long you have balance and it feels good, always do both sides for balance in your practice. And of course... remember to ... Breathe....

Have a beautiful day...
From My heart to yours as always, Namaste