Are you feeling Sore, Tired, Body Cranky? Try this…“Cat Cow Simple Monday Morning Stretch”
Wake up sore, tired or body is feeling cranky, start with a simple “Cat Cow Stretch.” It’s a beautiful way to begin your morning, “Cat – Cow” is a “Cleansing Breath,” it’s about receiving and releasing. Take your time, learn to move at your own breath. Always inhaling on your up, just like you are smelling the flowers, then exhaling on your down. It’s about inviting LoVe into your body, your heart and your soul.
Half tortoise, invites in, rejuvenation and peace… allow your arms to stretch out in front of you, resting the knife edge of your pinkies on the ground. Relax, breathe… If you need a quick nap and don’t have time, this is a perfect pose to take a quick break. Where ever, when ever, you feel the need, relax in this pose for at least 10 minutes and it will feel like a quick nap, rejuvenate you to keep moving forward.
Peaceful warrior teaches us to get out of our own way… I believe, yoga is a practice of body, but above and beyond that it is heart, soul and breath, we are learning to breathe. Peaceful warrior reminds us to listen to our bodies to not over think things. We are learning to breathe in and out of poses, as well as, in and out of this place we call life. Life happens, every day, the only thing we can do, is to learn to breathe through it.
Upper Body twist and stretch, as simple as it sounds… twist your upper body, right under left, left under right… extend, drop down, twist in deep to the stretch. Warming up your little bits and pieces. Your hips, your lower back, your shoulders and neck… just let it feel really good….
Peaceful baby – child’s pose is exactly this, about feeling good… this is where I usually tell people in their practice to listen to their bodies. That if it feels good please do it, if it doesn’t feel good, please don’t. That is specifically with regards to class, however, it also applies to life. Trust your heart, your gut, your feelings, your body. Its all about feeling good, that is always my intention, my ultimate goal, for you.
I believe yoga helps us to feel good, it’s all about breathing… your life is tied to your breath, it’s about honoring yourself, loving yourself, one breath at a time…
Have a beautiful rest of your day, please remember to breathe…