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Touching, Twisting, Tightening Tuesday... Please Enjoy a Full Class Flow...

Committed to sharing my Love of Yoga, through Yoga with LoVe... One Breath at a time...., #ConnieWayne, #YogaClassesWithConnie, #WeAreTheLight

Please enjoy ... "IN joy" this full class video I created as an effort to encompass the New Year, with this new format for my videos. When I first started making these videos, I didn't know how to separate the audio and video... so now I feel like the first videos are hard to hear, and kind of blurry. I would really LoVe to hear from you to hear from you, in the comments, what do you think of this new type of video I've made... is it easier to hear, to listen to??? This is a 43 minute full class flow, to do in the privacy of your home, whenever you feel the need. I hope you watch, relax, practice and simply feel good...

For me and my family, tonight at sundown, begins the Jewish Day of Atonement. For us, this is where we complete our thoughts for the year, about all our regrets from the past, our lessons learned, and what we wish to carry forward in our lives for the New Year. (The Jewish New Year) I had made this video originally as New Year's video so I wanted to re-visit it today, as the sun goes down and I reflect and pray on my past year, and my hopes and wishes for the new things that lie ahead.

What my wish for you tonight, and always, is peace, joy, LoVE, happiness, good health, wealth, all things LoVing, kind, beautiful and good. May you find your calm and move forward gently into your future, releasing your past. Letting go of things that no longer serve you... learning your lessons along the way.

From my heart to yours, as always... wishing you Namaste... with LoVe and Gratitude

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