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Remembering MoM and Lessons Learned

Final Speech... A Tribute to My Mom. Our 4th Speech was to be a "Tribute Speech", so I chose this opportunity to recognize my mother for all the wonderful things she taught me in her life and in her passing.". Always in my heart ... miss her Every Single Day!

Last week I spoke about my recovery, my speeches and in the end my mom. Not realizing that this week my Blog posting would actually fall on Mother's Day. So last week I posted my fist speech and today in honor of Mother's Day and My MoM I have posted this final speech, my Tribute to her.

In the end, I was a little nervous and overwhelmed so the prayer did not come out exactly correct, however, the meaning was perfect. We did not have a formal ceremony or goodbye, so for me this was my "Tribute" my way of saying goodbye to her, and hello to myself.

I think the biggest lesson learned, is that "life happens." I say this a lot when I teach, followed by it is up to us to learn to breathe in and out of it. Simply said, we cannot always control what happens, but we can control how we deal with what happens. Stop, remember to take a deep breath and then, keep moving forward in a positive direction. My mom's passing was unexpected to me and I now know that in her life, then in her passing, with her love, she taught me beautiful things. To LoVe Unconditionally with ALL Your Heart. She taught me to sew, to cook, to care for others and in the end now to care for myself.

I AM happy to say I am recovering nicely from surgery and hoping to be back on my feet fairly soon. Beautiful NEW Opportunities lie ahead with my yoga and my education. Another semester started in school , always learning, always growing. New celebrations of marriage of friends and babies being born, friends graduations, the sun shining brightly, blue above, green below... Life is good.

On this mother's day, I AM reminded of the beauty and grace that was, Is and Always will be my Mother... My Biggest fan and supporter.. Greatly missed... forever in gratitude, your daughter, I LoVe You MoM - LoVe ME!

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