Friday Flow... In need of a nice morning stretch... Relax, breathe and flow
Wake up sore, cranky, tired need a little body motivational flow.... Friday's we flow... Today we can combine a little Cat/Cow... Half Tortoise... Peaceful Warrior... Upper body twist and stretch... Peaceful baby... Relax, go at your own pace breathe, repeat... as needed...
Cat - Cow is a beautiful pose to being with to use your breath and your body gently to get things moving. As you inhale on your ups and exhale on your downs, you are learning to receive and to release. You are learning to let go of things that no longer serve you and to open your heart and let the love flow in.
Transition gently into Half Tortoise, inhale deeply as you life your torso high, then exhale fully as you release extending your arms out in front of you. Placing only the knife edge of your pinkies down on the ground. Allowing peace, and rejuvenation, into your body, your heart, your soul. This pose is perfect to stretch out your lower back, to rest, to catch a little nap when you don't have time to take a real nap. Stretch out into the fullest expression to get the greatest gift from this pose.
Then turn your hands to place your palms on to the ground and you keep your feet together, gently begin to open your knees. Walk your hands further out in front of you into Peaceful Warrior. This pose teaches us to get out of our own way, to try to stop overthinking everything in life. Listen to your heart, and as always to remember to breathe. Ultimately the key to everything. Yoga, Life, It's all about "Breath." Yoga is a way to tie our breath to our bodies. In the end the goal is to learn to breathe in and out of life. I always say in my classes, "Life Happens, It is up to us to learn to breathe in and out of it."
Simply slide that left hand, arm, underneath your right, allow your body to twist and slip gently into a deep should stretch, helping your body release and relax along with your heart and your mind. Then come gently back through center to slide your right under your left and love your body in the opposite direction. Stretch, breath, balance, mind, body, heart and soul. It's all combined, all part of the process of growth. Poses don't always have to big and dramatic, sometimes you just need to take the time to stretch.
Find your way back to center. Bring your knees together and relax your arms behind you, as you gently drop your head all the way down to your knees, or as always, anywhere in that direction. Allowing yourself to fall into Peaceful Baby.
Always remembering that this is your practice, to do what feels good to you, to find your calm, to relax to a place that benefits you. Always tying breath to body, always feel good about yourself, your body is tied to your breath, and you can make life ... your world ... whatever you choose... just remember to breathe...
With LoVe Always... Namaste🙏