Sunday Savasana ... Relaxation, Meditation... Breathe...
Savasana is usually done at the end of practice to allow your body a chance to process everything you just did... I like to do Savasana...

Sadana Saturday.. Breath of LoVe!!!
I LoVe Breath of LoVe... This pose invites into your body, your life, your soul... ALL things, beautiful loving and kind, letting go of...

Friday Flow... In need of a nice morning stretch... Relax, breathe and flow
Wake up sore, cranky, tired need a little body motivational flow.... Friday's we flow... Today we can combine a little Cat/Cow... Half...

Thankful Thursday... Just a simple stretch with Gratitude...
I AM Thankful for my loving family and friends, my daily blessings, the beautiful people who come to my classes, I AM thankful for YOU!...

"WE" Wednesday.. Continued from Touch your toes Tuesday Down Dog...
Since these are slightly older videos they may be a little out of order... "WE" Wednesday was always designed to remind you, that you are...

Touch Your Toes Tuesday... Basic Downward facing Dog
No you don't have to touch your toes to do yoga... We do yoga to learn to touch our toes... If you can't bend over grab a chair and hold...